Yes, we're going to talk about this place. Dope, right?
SO! Yay, we're back from our realtime trip and definitely have so much to write to you guys! Okay, back to the killer photo above, we know, pretty sick right? So after all that hike, trek, panas-panasan, gelantungan di kabel, we deserve a R&R. Dari jaman masih pacaran nih, kami cuma bisa ngiler kalau liat foto Anantara Uluwatu saking harganya yang suka becanda. But then.. we found a special price on and it was like 30% off kalau ngga salah. Langsunglah pencet itu tombol book! Worth every penny and will tell more on that later. Read on!
Pagi-pagi sekali kami sudah rusuh di hotel di Nusa Penida. Masyalahnya, celana pendek kesayangan Dion dan bikini Ayu yang baru beli, ternyata ketinggalan di Nusa Lembongan. Emang sih harganya murah meriah banget, tapi kan sayang, jadilah kami nyebrang lagi dari Nusa Penida ke Lembongan buat ambil barangnya, lalu balik lagi ke Nusa Penida buat ngejer speed boat ke Sanur. Rempes.
Kami nyebrang ke Sanur naik public speed boat dari pelabuhan Toya Pakeh. Sesampainya di Sanur langsung jalan kaki ke Dunkin Donuts buat beli minum sambil mesen uber. By now you should be well aware (kalau ngikutin dari postingan kemaren-kemaren yes), jangan pernah pesen uber di tengah keramaian pelabuhan. Be discreet, demi keselamatan kamu dan supir uber-nya. Ngga lama nunggu, akhirnya supir uber datang dan dengan ikhlas mau nganterin ke Uluwatu yang jauh bingit dari Sanur.
Perjalanan yang mestinya cuma 40 menitan jadi lama banget gegara jalanan macet. Iya ya, kenapa jalanan Bali sekarang macetnya astapiloh banget udah kaya Jakarta T_T. Anywaaays, begitu sampai di Anantara Uluwatu Resort, kami disuguhi welcome drink dan handuk dingin. Sebenernya udah ngarep bisa early check in, sayangnya ngga bisa karena mereka fully booked dari beberapa hari sebelumnya, jadilah kami kuralang-kuriling di area resortnya.
Anantara Uluwatu Resort punya beberapa tipe kamar, ada yang regular menghadap laut, ada juga yang dilengkapi dengan private pool. They have 3 different restaurants that you can try, amazing pools, their spa, and they also have a gym.
It was burning hot, but we didn't care! We're finally here!
The Observation Deck
View from The Observation Deck
One of the luxury rooms with a private pool
Jam 2 siang kami kembali ke area lobby dan mbak resepsionis yang super ramah akhirnya mengantar kami ke kamar. We were giggling all the way, ngga sabar pingin lihat kamar yang udah dimimpiin sejak lama haha. Kamar kami terletak di lantai 4, jadi viewnya lebih panoramic. Begitu sampai di kamar, Mba Ramah (yes, we're going to call her that. We forgot her name, bad Ayu! Bad Dion!) langsung nunjukin luggage dan titipan barang kami (itu lho, kardus besar isi fin segala macem yang dititipin sebelum nyebrang ke Lembongan) sudah disimpan di lemari. Kemudian dia mulai menjelaskan satu per satu fasilitas kamar yang uwaw dan lengkap banget. Begitu Mbak Ramah pamit dan kami tutup pintu, langsunglah pasangan udik ini jejingkrakan saking girangnya. It's a like a dream come true! Crossing off "stay in Anantara Uluwatu" of our bucket list!
The more than spacious room. OMG OMG OMG!
The view from our balcony. AMAZEBALLZ!
Of course, they just had to make it impossibly perfect. They surprised us with this honeymoon cake :)
Karena rencananya hari ini kami mau beneran nikmatin kamar hotelnya, we ordered room service for our lunch. Jadi kaya orang honeymoon beneran kan, ngga kecimpringan ngebolang haha. The food was decent but so-so in taste though.
After lunch we enjoyed the room from the balcony, just sit there enjoying the view and the sun. Di dalam kamar mereka nyediain sketch book juga, lho. Ayu iseng-iseng bikin sketch of the room and it was comforting. If sketching is not your thing, kamu juga bisa book complimentary 30 minutes photo session with a professional photographer. Yes, free. Other than that, masih banyak lagi activities di resort ini, misalnya yoga dan ceramic making (popular among family guests) yang hasilnya bisa dibawa pulang. For more details on the resort activities, click here.
Menjelang sunset kami setting up the jacuzzi on the balcony. That was the whole reason why we've chosen to stay here! Yes, you read it right. Jacuzzi untuk 2 orang ini ditempatkan di balkon, lengkap dengan amenities-nya: bubble bath and salt. You can enjoy the sunset in a hot tub, overlooking the ocean. It doesn't get better than that! Oh, kalau kamu mau ngerasain full Anantara experience, kamu bisa juga pesen paket Sunset Ritual. Basically to enjoy the hot tub, sunset, the view, with a bottle of champagne. Yang lucu, begitu matahari mulai terbenam, akan ada staff yang keliling-keliling resort bawa pentungan dan chanting "sunset rituaal! sunset rituaaal!" biar orang yang di dalem kamar pada keluar dan enjoy the sunset. Duhh, kalau inget rasanya pingin banget balik lagi ke sana!
Setting up the tub. We're using Lush Intergalactic Bath Bomb for this occasion :D
Yazzz, puhleaze!
Majestic sunset from our balcony
Cheers to forever stuck with each other
We also had dinner at Cheers and the seafood was amazingly fresh! It was one of our best dining experience. You can choose the seafood you like on the big ice bowl or you can choose from the menu. Yang tadinya kami mau makan cantik, jadinya ya makan pakai tangan saking semangat ngulitin udang dan kepiting hahaha.
Menggoda untuk diicip semuanya ya
A bit messy due to the flash, but here's what we ordered
Happy tummies
The next day we opt to try out that big swimming pool after having a blissful breakfast. The water was freezing cold, contrast to the sun above our heads. Kolam renang di Anantara Uluwatu memang ngga yang bener-bener infinity pool, they have fences for safety. Tapi kalau kamu foto dari kolam renang dengan angle yang tepat, kolam renangnya jadi kaya inifinity dan view-nya luar biasa!
Plunge time!
Nikmat Tuhan mana lagi yang kau dustakan? Yanggasih.
Dion merem karena silau, ngedip, apa lagi ngintip ke bawah?
Ayo foto sambil muter-muter terus!
Taken with GoPro Hero 4 Silver, hasilnya agak gloomy entah mengapa selalu gitu :( Snapseed to the rescue!
"Sayang, kunci kamar mana?!", and then this.
Selepas berenang, kami packing dan bergegas untuk check out. Problem: ngga bisa pesen uber. Taksi susah. Akhirnya mau ngga mau minta shuttle sevice sama hotel dan bayar 300 ribu sekali jalan kalau ngga salah. Tadinya mau sewa mobil kan, eh rentalnya ngga mau nganter ke Uluwatu karena kejauhan. Ahelah!
Kami di-drop di MaxOne Tuban. Yes, check in di sini lagi biar ngga terlalu jauh ke bandara for our first flight tomorrow. Mobil rental juga diantar ke mari. We did another packing karena we're going to need only the carrier and the snorkel gears jadi segala barang yang ga perlu dibawa dijejelin ke dalem koper besar. Lagi-lagi, nitip ke resepsionis MaxOne hahaha. They are so helpful!
So we've decided to spend our afternoon at Life on The Juice. Have you heard of this place? They are not only serve juices, but also alcohol. The staffs were very very friendly, they are all young and easy going, instantly making you feel comfortable. Though they are located on the mainstream Legian beach, they provide a comfy-and-colorful pillow seats - which were highly instagrammable.
Selagi kami menikmati minuman yang harganya sangat-sangat reasonable (we've spent less than 200K for 2 drinks), batiba seorang staff nyekokin Jose Cuervo ke mulut tamu langsung dari botol. Kami dan tamu yang lain ketawa dong, haha lucu, maybe he's a regular. Eh taunya, itu botol digilir ke semua tamu dong, free drinks straight from the bottle!! GILA! Ini sunset spot paling friendly ya kayanya, and we were thinking apa mereka ngga rugi itu ngabisin setengah botol for free hahaha. But it gets better. Wait for it... wait for it... FREE BARBEQUE PARTY EVERY FRIDAY WITH DJ! We're definitely coming back!
There you have it! Our KL-GC-Bali honeymoon. But wait, there's more! And honestly it was the best trip we had so far. Penasaran ngga? Will write about it asap. See ya!
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