Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Why does it feel like forever
When you are away
When it's only been hours
I'm missing you already

Staring at the TV
I think of you
Listening to the radio
Every song sings of you

Running around the house
Then I lie down on the floor
In your T-shirt
Savoring your smell on my skin

I ran out of fingers
Counting the hours
Until you'll be home
Home, with me


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I know, I know... we've been MIA for.. 2 years. Thing is, I couldn't write nor read during my pregnancy hahaha. So here I am, 1++ year post partum and I literally miss writing so much. So what happened these past 2 years? I gave birth to a beautiful daughter (will write a dedicated post about that), we moved to South Tangerang area, and I'm still trying to lose weight.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Crazy, right?
Yes, it's finally here! I am skipping few posts and jump straight to our Japan trip because many of our friends asked questions about it. Oh, in case you didn't notice, I'm using "I" and not we because from now on I'll be in charge of the writing and Dion will do the fact digging (let's be honest, he is too lazy to write hahah). Okay! Now you set your mind, body, and soul to visit Japan, but looking at the Tokyo train map, did you piss yourself already? Worry not, I'll help you out though I'm not a Japan expert but let's just share, mkay?


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Taunya Jodoh: dionayu honeymoon to Bali
Yes, we're going to talk about this place. Dope, right?
SO! Yay, we're back from our realtime trip and definitely have so much to write to you guys! Okay, back to the killer photo above, we know, pretty sick right? So after all that hike, trek, panas-panasan, gelantungan di kabel, we deserve a R&R. Dari jaman masih pacaran nih, kami cuma bisa ngiler kalau liat foto Anantara Uluwatu saking harganya yang suka becanda. But then.. we found a special price on and it was like 30% off kalau ngga salah. Langsunglah pencet itu tombol book! Worth every penny and will tell more on that later. Read on!


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Taunya Jodoh: dionayu honeymoon to bali
Teletubbies Hill
Taken with iPhone 6Plus
Like we told you on the previous post, we're going to Nusa Penida today! This island held a special place in our hearts, selain view-nya yang super cantik, pulau ini juga berhasil test and strengthen our bond. Setelah awal tahun 2016 kami mengunjungi Pasih Uug, Angel's Billabong, dan Karang Dawe, kali ini kami mau main ke pantai Suwehan.